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Authors should prepare their manuscripts in MS Word and submit along with PDF versions via email to [email protected].

Each 'suitable' submission will be assigned an identification number. Please quote this in all correspondence.

By submitting a manuscript you certify that the contribution is original work and has not been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere and that no part of the material breaches any right of others.

All articles undergo an initial editor screening and rigorous peer review by at least two anonymous referees.

Information for Contributors

Please keep the layout and format of the text as simple as possible. Please use Times or Times New Roman fonts for main text, Arial font for titles and headings, and Courier or Courier New fonts for programme commands. The Institute publisher will correctly format all accepted papers for publication. The manuscript should conform to the following requirements.

Script Requirements

Papers should be written in good English.

Keywords defining the essential content of the paper.

Manuscripts should be in single column A4 pages with ample margins.

Papers should not normally exceed 5000 words.

Figures should be professionally prepared in a form suitable for reproduction in black/white with the maximum final size 20cm height and 12cm width.

Titles should be brief and informative without abbreviation and formulae.

Papers should be written without the use of footnotes.

Citations should be indicated in the text by author name(s) followed by date of publication. For a work by more than two authors only state the first author�s name followed by et al. If more than one reference has identical date and authorship, place superscripted a, b, c� after the date to distinguish e.g. Name (2008); Name & Name (2008); (Name et al, 2008; Name, 2008a).

References to websites must be given in brackets in the text followed by date was accessed e.g. (http://www, accessed 01 January 2022).

Please adopt 'APA style' for references.






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