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Project: ORLAB/140901/SFRP1
duration: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2021
status: Archive/Self-Financing
Title: Combinatorial Optimization Approaches for Coding Theory Problems
Principal Investigator: Roberto Montemanni
Affiliation: Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale, Switzerland
contacts: [email protected]

abstract. Coding Theory has been widely studied as a well-defined research field in the past, due to its important applications in telecommunications (e.g. data compression, cryptography, error-correction and network coding), where codes are used in everyday activities in order to provide substantial capabilities. These are provided by special orthogonality properties of the codes (optimization appears here). However, the vast majority of the studies proposed are based on abstract mathematics/group theory approaches, with just a marginal contribution from the operations research community, where the problem has become popular only in very recent years. In the light of launching a new consistent field of combinatorial optimization research on these topics, the outcome (purpose) of this project, is to provide a survey on the subject.

Project: ORLAB/150301/SFRP2
duration: 01/03/2021 - 28/02/2021
status: Archive/Self-Financing
Title: Applied Optimization in Brachytherapy Treatment Planning
Principal Investigator: Kaveh Sheibani
Affiliation: ORLab Analytics, Canada
contacts: [email protected]

abstract. Brachytherapy (also known as internal radiotherapy) is a form of cancer treatment where a radiation source is placed at short distances from the target cells (tumor). Radioactive substances come in several different forms such as wires, tubes, ribbons, needles, capsules, seeds or other devices. Depending on the type of implant, the radiation source will stay in place temporarily or permanently. Brachytherapy is commonly used as an effective treatment option for many types of cancers alone or in combination with other treatments such as surgery, external beam radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Effective brachytherapy requires a treatment plan that delivers a prescribed dose to tumor while simultaneously limiting the dose to critical normal tissues (organs-at-risk). Different optimization techniques (in operational research) for brachytherapy treatment planning, such as mathematical modeling, heuristics or meta-heuristics have been considered. The outcome (purpose) of this project, is to provide a survey on the subject.




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